John climbed the police ranks before becoming a deputy police chief and served for almost three decades. Now retired, he founded DSP Newsroom in hopes of bringing Americans stories of law and order, law enforcement, governance, and the societies around us.
He believes we need fast accurate stories now more than ever and hopes DSP Newsroom will deliver just that.
Gregory is responsible for overlooking our day-to-day operations and managing schedules and communications of DSP Newsroom’s key company executives.
He and his team also handles talent acquisition, in search of new talents in the field of journalism and writing in general.
With a Master’s degree in Journalism, Zachary leads our team of writers and guarantee quality writing in each of our stories. He also leads our team of proofreaders and fact-checkers.
Shirley handles our pool of talented correspondents and assigns subject-matter to each one of them across the USa to ensure we keep up with the most recent events.
Katherine spearheads our online community and ensures our readers are being heard, in order to deliver great content in line with DSP Newsroom’s mission.